Benefit Designs introduces the Creative Benefit Design Benefits Program
single source for discount health benefits and more...
Admin Fee: One-Time $5.00 Fee. (Non-Refundable**)
PREMIUM PLAN: 11 benefits for only $15.00 per household, per month*
PREMIUM PLUS PLAN: 12 benefits for only $19.00 per household, per month *
Dental Pharmacy
NurseLine ™
Lab Testing
MRI & CT Scans
Vision Alternative Medicine Hearing Aids
Diabetic Supplies
Durable Medical Equipment Ticket Monster
Physician Visit/
Hospital Referral (Premium Plus Plan Only)
*A "one-time" admin fee of just $5.00 per household makes registration easy for everyone...and membership continues for only $15.00 or $19.00 (depending on package selected) per household, per month!
**AR and TN residents: A refund of all fees will be issued if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days.
Please keep in mind that your membership is NOT
insurance, so it is simple and easy to use. When you present
your card to a participating provider, you will receive a discount
at the time of purchase.
Not Available in Kansas, Utah, Vermont, Washington Lab Testing is not available to HI, MA, MD, ND, NJ, NY, RI, or SD residents. Hospital benefit not available to MD, VT or WV residents.
Dental Benefit is not available to VT residents.